Sunday, December 27, 2009

"A Room of Her Own"

With all the new ways to put thoughts into disseminated words it seems rather archaic to be typing into a small box to post something somewhere no one will see it. It may be that this will be good practice for the day when the small writing room is finally ready for use. At that thought: writing room; my body shudders in involuntary desire. "A Room of Her Own" at last?

Must get back to sanding those floors!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


After reading a friend's blog - and missing my old Yahoo 360 blog - I click to see about setting up a blog here only to find that I already have one! My account is more than a year old and is just now getting a name and a first post. This compose box looks remarkably similar to Blackboard Course layout and that's all I have to say for now.