Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thinking time

My brain - once filled with multiple thoughts all running at once, all cogent, intact, occasionally bumping into one another yet independently rational and explicable, likened by me to many radios playing at once - has fallen asleep. Words, those shiny, sharp tools used for holding together what might otherwise lack cohesion, now clump in a dirty tangle at the bottom of a dark container filled with parts of things once useful but now incomplete. I've read that writing by hand, as opposed to writing on the keyboard, uses parts of the brain that keep us more mentally whole by connecting the physical brain-functions to the mental composition in a more integrated fashion. So I'm doing some journaling. Maybe it will help. But it is somehow more fun - more actual Fun to type type type. And to wonder at that desire not to be secret in my fear.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Massage and More

Today I updated up my old website - - with links to my professional massage website. Go ahead and check it out. Yes, it's official - or perhaps it is more accurate to say "I am official." Licensed by the state of Maine to practice therapeutic massage. Now awaiting my town permit for "Home Occupation" and volunteering as a complementary care provider for the local non-profit volunteer-run Knox County Health Clinic.

I look forward to having more time to read - and to write! But that is all I have to say today.

[Much later Edit: After a few years of doing Hospice Massage, I quit to take care of my husband at the end of his struggle with cancer, and then completed a master's of fine art degree focused on poetry and haiku, and took up music more seriously -or playfully- enjoying the experience of solo performance in small intimate venues. And then the covid-19 pandemic started. And just like that, my massage career faded away as new adventures opened their many doors. So I never got around to updating the website. Yet.]